List all order info
Retrieves a list of orders, including all associated data, containing:
- Full Order Details: All standard order information (customer, billing, shipping, etc.).
- Line Items: Complete line item information.
- Fulfillments: Details order fulfillments and tracking.
- Returns: Any returned items associated with the order.
Providing all this data in a single response simplifies order management integrations. The response is compatible with the Shopify REST API order schema. For detailed schema explanations, see the Shopify REST API Order resource.
curl --request POST \
--url \
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--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
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"tax_exempt": false,
"company": {
"id": null,
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"Report": {
"TraceId": "00-3c6a96b919427b0952ba274800a4b04f-7efc4603f4ee42e7-00",
"TotalExtResourcesDuration": 356.8311,
"TotalEventsTransitDuration": 554.5615,
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"Uri": "",
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The access token received from the authorization server in the OAuth 2.0 flow.
Query Parameters
Specify the sales channel from which to fetch user data. Each request can only retrieve data from a single channel at a time. Since requests are processed in real-time, response times vary depending on the sales channel’s speed
, bigcommerce
, bol
, lightspeed_c
, shopify
, woocommerce
, mirakl
The ID of your user(must be authenticated with target channels).
To receive the completion event. You can use a webhook to find out whether the task is finished.
Used to paginate to the next batch of objects. Should be a copy of the next_page_token value from the previous response.
Supported channels: shopify
, woocommerce
, bigcommerce
, lightspeed_c
, bol
, amazon
Used to limit the number of returned objects. The maximum is 100.
Supported channels: shopify
, woocommerce
, bigcommerce
, lightspeed_c
, amazon
Show orders last updated at or after date.
Supported channels are shopify
, woocommerce
, bigcommerce
, lightspeed_c
, bol
, amazon
Show orders last updated at or before date.
Supported channels: shopify
, woocommerce
, bigcommerce
, lightspeed_c
, amazon
Show orders created at or after date.
Supported channels: shopify
, woocommerce
, bigcommerce
, lightspeed_c
, amazon
Show orders created at or before date.
Supported channels: shopify
, woocommerce
, bigcommerce
, lightspeed_c
, amazon
Show orders imported at or after date.
Supported channels: shopify
Show orders imported at or before date.
Supported channels: shopify
Retrieve only orders specified by a comma-separated list of order IDs.
Supported channels are shopify
, woocommerce
, bigcommerce
, amazon
Filter orders by their status.
Supported channels are shopify
, woocommerce
, bol
, amazon
, closed
, cancelled
, any
, null
Show orders after the specified ID.
Supported channels are shopify
, woocommerce
, lightspeed_c
Retrieve only certain fields, specified by a comma-separated list of fields names.
Supported channels are shopify
Show orders attributed to a certain app, specified by the app ID. Set as current to show orders for the app currently consuming the API.
Supported channels are shopify
Filter orders by their financial status.
Supported channels are shopify
, paid
, pending
, partially_paid
, partially_refunded
, refunded
, voided
, any
, unpaid
, null
Filter orders by their fulfillment status.
Supported channels are shopify
, partial
, unshipped
, any
, unfulfilled
, null
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--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
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